Ethereum: Get only BTC pairs Binance Java API

Here is an article on how to get only BTC Binance pores using the Java Binance API:

Get BTC couples from Binance with Java API

Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange that allows consumers to buy, sell and exchange multiple cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC). However, when you only need to get BTC pores, things become more complex. In this article we will examine how to reach this Java Binance API.

Step 1: Define your Binance API credentials

Ethereum: Get only BTC pairs Binance Java API

Before you start, make sure you have a binance API key and a secret password. You can get them by creating an account on the Binance website.

Step 2: Create a copy of the Binance Customer

To communicate with the Binance API, you will need to create a copy of the Binance customer using the following code:




// import the necessary classes

Import with.binance.client.api.*;

public class binanceclient {

// your binance API credentials

Final Line Private Static Api_Key = “Your_api_Key_Here”;

Final Line Private Static API_SECRET = “Your_api_Secret_Here”;

PUBLIC STATIC VOID MAIN (String [] ARGS) Stop the exception {

// Create a new copy of the customer

Client Customer = New Customer (API_Key, API_SECRET);

// Define the exchange to binance

Client.setexchange (BNB);

// Get all currency prices

List AllPrices = Client.GetalTaltaltalches ();

System.out.println (allprics);




Step 3: Get only BTC pairs

Now that you have a customer copy, you can use the GallPrices () method to get all available cryptocurrencies. For only BTC pairs, we need to filter other currencies.


// Get all currency prices

List AllPrices = Client.GetalTaltaltalches ();

// filter in pairs BTC

List BTCPAirs = New Arraylist <> ();

For (certificate certificate: allprices) {

If (ticker.getsymbol (). Equal (“BTC”) {

// Add the BTC pair to our list

BTCPairs.add (Verifier);



System.out.println (BTCPAirs);


To add everything

Here is all code of the code:




// import the necessary classes

Import with.binance.client.api.*;

public class binanceclient {

// your binance API credentials

Final Line Private Static Api_Key = “Your_api_Key_Here”;

Final Line Private Static API_SECRET = “Your_api_Secret_Here”;

PUBLIC STATIC VOID MAIN (String [] ARGS) Stop the exception {

// Create a new copy of the customer

Client Customer = New Customer (API_Key, API_SECRET);

// Define the exchange to binance

Client.setexchange (BNB);

// Get all currency prices

List AllPrices = Client.GetalTaltaltalches ();

// filter in pairs BTC

List BTCPAirs = New Arraylist <> ();

For (certificate certificate: allprices) {

If (ticker.getsymbol (). Equal (“BTC”) {

// Add the BTC pair to our list

BTCPairs.add (Verifier);



System.out.println (BTCPAirs);




With this code, you must see the list of only one BTC character record.

This is all! Following these steps, you just successfully recovered BTC couples from Binance using the Java Binance API.

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