Metamask: How to reload only one component rather then whole page when active chain is changed?

Managing Dynamic Component Reloads in Reacting with Metamask

In the Recent Utdate, Mame Users have contracted a conjunctive whistle-to-Metamask extension in these web applications. When switching between differer networks or accounts, the entire application reloads will be held in the event of the event. This can be frustration for developers who rely on performance and minimize page loads.

In this article, we’ll explore a single React hook soluble that alllows you to reload only on a single active chain chain chain.

The Problem:

When Metamask emits the ‘chainChandedevent, it’s not the full-page re render. This can be overwhelming forese to do this already dealing with a slow Network connection or multiply accounts on their watchlist.

The Solution:

Toadress this issue, welfare a custom Reakt hook that detects virgin chain chain chings and reloads only the relevant. Here's the code:


import { useEffect, use } from 'react';

const useReloadComponent = (componentKey) => {

const [activeChain, setActiveChain] = useState(window.etherumchains[0]);

useEffect(() => {

if (wind.ethereum) {

Window.ethereum.on('chhanged', () => {

setActiveChain(window.etheumchains.fond((chain) => == activeChain)));



}, [activeChain]);

return <>{/ Component to be relayed /};


export default useReloadComponent;


In the above code:

  • We define a custom React HookuseReloadConent's that take-in the option compponentKey' parameter.

  • TheyState theuse

  • In the use Effective hooks, welfare if you have to do it. If it is, welten to thechainChangedevent.

  • Whens an active chain chains (i.e.,activeChainId's chainges), welfare the active's news estate the 'active's ID theactiveChainId's variable.

  • We will be the JSX element that will be re-rendered who a active chain chain, containing only them relevant.

Example Usage:


import React from 'react';

import useReloadComponent from './useReloadConent';

const ComponentA = () => {

// Render Some Content here.


const ComponentB = () => {

// Render Some total content here.


function App() {

const compponentKey = 'component-a'; // Select the desired compound

const { activeChain, setActiveChain } = useReloadComponent(componentKey);

a register (


Active Chain: {activeChain}



In this example, weighing sponents. We passed an arbitrary componentKeyto the


By esting the customuseReloadComponent`s hook, you’ll be safe reload onne-to-none aactive chain chain witout causing a full-page re render. This solution shueld besly integrtable into your exting Reactation and provide a better under-forience-for-forethworking split net works on the multiplier vinegar.


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