Ethereum: Python Binance API call stack

Ethereum API Call List: Retrieving Order Data

= Here is the code:

import json

from datetime import date

Ethereum: Python Binance API Call list

Set your Binance API credentials

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

api_secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

Set your API endpoint and base URL

base_url = " api/v3/futures"

endpoint = "/open"

Set the order symbol (e.g. ETH/USDT)

symbol = "ETH/USDT"

def get_open_orders(api_key, api_secret):

Create a Binance API object with your credentials

client = binance.Client(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

Retrieve open orders for the specified symbol

response = client.futures.getOpenOrders(endpoint = endpoint, symbol = symbol)

data = json.loads(response.body)

Return only the data required for the order (symbol, price, origQty, site)

return [data["contract"]["symbol"], data["open"], data["origQty"], data["site"]]

Retrieve and print the order data for ETH/USDT

orders = get_open_orders(api_key, api_secret)

for symbol, price, origQty, _ in orders:

print(f"Symbol: {symbol}, Price: {price:.4f}, OrigQty: {origQty}")


  • We create a Binance API object with your credentials.
  • We set the endpoint and base URL for our API request (e.g. api/v3/futures).
  • Specify the order symbol (ETH/USDT in this example).
  • Retrieve the open orders using the getOpenOrders method.
  • Parse the JSON data of the response and return only the data needed for the order (symbol, price, origQty, site).

Example use cases

  • Monitor order activity for a specific pair
  • Analyze market trends by retrieving historical order data
  • Create trading bots or automations using open orders as triggers

Don’t forget to replace YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET with your actual Binance API credentials. Also, be aware of the Binance API rate limits and adjust your code accordingly.

I hope this helps you get started retrieving order data from the Ethereum API!

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