Ethereum: json-rpc via curl

Ethereum Json-RPC via CURL on Bitcoin-Qt on Windows 7 64

Ethereum: json-rpc via curl

The Ethereum community has provided a way to access the Json-RPC interface for Ethereum using the Curl ‘command, which allows users to interact with the Ethereum network from their local machine. In this article, we will show you how to set up and use Curl 'to access the Ethereum Json-RPC interface via Bitcoin-Qt on Windows 7 64.


Before proceeding, make sure that:

  • You installed Bitcoin-Qt on your system.

  • Your system performs Windows 7 to 64 bit.

  • You have installedCurl ‘on your system. Otherwise, you can download it from the official website: <


  • Open a new command prompt or a terminal window.


  • Perform the following command to install the necessary addictions:


NPM Install Bitcoinjs -RPC -G


This will install theBitcoinjs-RPC ‘package and will make it available globally.

  • Check that the installation was successful by carrying out:


Bitcoinjs -RPC -Version


5 You should see a folder calledBitcoin.

6 You can use any text editor to create the file.




“RPCUSER”: “Bitcoinrpc”,

“RPCPASSWORD”: “Ahything”,

“RPCallowip”: [“*”],

“RPCAPI”: [“0x”),


“rpcsslport”: null,

“rpcsslcerfile”: “”,

“Rpcsslkeyfile”: “”



This configuration allows the user to access the Ethereum Json-RPC interface onhttp: // 8545.

  • Save and close theEthereum-RPC.json file.

Using curls

Now that you have set the Ethereum Json-RPC interface, you can use Curl 'to interact with it from the local machine:


Curl -x post \


-Nada-Raw ‘{“Method”: “Eth_get_blocknumber”, “Params”: [“Last”]}’


This command sends a request for posts to the Ethereum Json-RPC interface on thehttp: // 8545, specifying that we want to call the method 'Eth_getblocknumber with the” last “topic.


To test this, you can perform:


Curl -x post \


-Data-Raw ‘{“Method”: “Eth_gettransactCount”, “Params”: [“0x”)}’


This command sends a request for posts to the Ethereum Json-RPC interface on thehttp: // 8545, specifying that we want to call the method 'Eth_gettransationCount' with the topic “0x01” `the answer should contain the current block number.

Note: Make sure to replace "0x") " " 0x01 " with the hash or the actual transaction code if you use an application based on different ethhereum.

Ethereum Error Null Malformed

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