Bitcoin: Problem identifying the transaction hash for a new segwit uxto wallet

Identification of Event Hasers to Separate Witness (Segwit) UTXO wallets

In the control of cryptocurrency deals, identifying the hash or transaction ID of the event is crucial. In this article, we are considering how to identify a new separate witness (Segwit) UTXO event Hash and understands what refers.

What is the UTXO wallet?

UTXO (unused event output) Wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet that records unused events output. These are the quantities left in your account once all events have been dealt with. Segwit wallets in particular use a new structure to save and manage these results.

How to identify the new Segwit UTXO Wallet event Hash

The new Segwit UTXO wallet typically uses a 32-byte event-phase as tags or “seeds”. This is different from traditional wallets that keep hash such as Bitcoin Core (BTC). The reason for this change was to facilitate linking and combining several blocks, allowing for more efficient use of the network.

The new Segwit UTXO Transaction Hash recognizes:

  • Open the wallet software : If you use a wallet customer or software such as Electrum or Mythherwallet, open it to watch your wallet configuration.

2 It is usually delivered in hexadecimal form (eg 0x12345678).

  • Note the Transaction Hash : Please note this value as it will help you identify and follow events.

What does refer to? is a website that provides information on cryptocurrency wallets, including their addresses, balances and event history. When referring to the “previous event” of the wallet, the site is likely to mean the latest departure or event of the wallet related to its latest block.

For example:

  • If you visit and see `1234567890ABCDEF ‘, it can be a hexadecimal presentation of the latest print of the wallet that corresponds to a particular event.

  • If you are looking for a previous event that combined your wallet with this new one, you will need to retrieve the entire block information from the block chain.

tips and best practices

Bitcoin: Problem identifying the transaction hash for a new segwit uxto wallet

  • Use a protected wallet : Keep your wallet software up to date with the latest security repairs and updates.

  • Keep the seeds safely : Do not distribute or store wallet seeds in an uncertain manner as it can be used to endanger the entire wallet.


Identifying the Hash of Segwit UTXO wallets requires how to get their line -up and understand what refers. By following these steps, you should be able to find a transactionhash associated with your new wallet. Always remember to keep your wallet software up to date and safe to maintain the integrity of the encryption currency ownership.

Other resources

  • [Segwit documentation] (

  • [] (

  • [Bitcoin Core (BTC) documentation] (

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