Ethereum: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘binance’

Modulenotfounderror problem solving with Python-Binance

As a user of the popular Binance cryptocurrency exchange, you can encounter the unexpected “Modulelenotfounderror” while trying to install or use the “Python-Binance” library. This error usually occurs due to problems with the installation of dependence or module names solving during the package installation.

understanding of the error

The message “Modulelenotfounderror: No module called” Binance “indicates that Python is not able to find a module called” Binance “. This can happen when your Python environment cannot locate the “binance.pyfile, which is the basic library used by" Python-Binance ".

change of the name of the binance library

One of the solutions is to change the name of the file " to something other than its original name. In this way, you make sure that the packet installation process can find and use this renamed file.

Here’s how you can change the file name “”:


Ethereum: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'binance'

Go to your project catalog


Change the file name to something other than "binance"

Mv binance_original_name

Optionally update the Python module path to indicate a new location

Python -M PIP installation -uPgrade -PIP UPERATOR

Finally, try reinstalling Python-Binance with a renamed library

install Python-Binance

Alternative solution: Installation using a virtual environment

Alternatively, you can use a virtual environment (such as `Virtalenv or `CDA ') to manage the relationship dependencies. Here's how you can do it:

  • Create a new virtual environment : Run the following command in your terminal:


Python3 -M venv my_env

Replace My_env with the desired name for your virtual environment.

  • Activate the virtual environment :


Source my_env/bin/Activate

on Linux/Mac

my_env \ scripts \ Activate

in Windows



install Python-Binance

  • Check the installation :


Python -c "Binance Import; printing (binance) "

If everything went well, then the command should send ‘True’, indicating that Python can effectively import and use the “binance” library.

Solving problems next steps

If none of these solutions works for you, it may be necessary to further examine:

* Package versions Check : Make sure the Python installation is current and compatible with “Python-Binance”. You can check the latest version using PIP or updating the current installation.

* Verify the dependencies : Make sure that all required packages (such as “Binance”) are installed correctly. If you have problems with other libraries, consider installing them first.

additional tips

  • Always follow the best practices of Python project management, including creating a virtual environment and using PIP to install dependencies.

  • When working with third -party libraries, such as Binance, make sure you understand their license conditions.

ethereum with missing revert

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