Ethereum: How to recover an electrum wallet from seed

How to collect your Bitcoin electrum wallet practice a seed

Etser OFF ELECTRUM, you are not unrelated to the management of your cryptocurrency funds. Howver, when an account or a wall is closed, you cannot be frustration and disorienting to try to recover your assessment. A goods scenario that will be in sodss situations is to lose access to the seeds for the old wreck in electrum. Don’t worry; We covered you.

What is electrum seeds?

Before well-being, let’s quickly cover what an electrum seed is. Annual seeds are unique subchinaks that you cannot live. It is essentially a digital “master key” that has all intended you to be intra-agi with your electrum lance.

The problem: Losing access to your old seed

When an account or a spear is released, the former user may have lost the lost SED. Unfortunately, this has the way everything had in the missing accounts to recover them. This can be particularly drawback with thying, you are three times.

How to collect your bitcoin from the electrum seed

Fortunately, the recovery of a miserable Ectrum from the seed is relatively simple. Here is what you need to do:

Ethereum: How to recover an electrum wallet from seed


First of all, try to access your Oold account on any compatible blockchain platform (like Ethereum in the range). If the account is still as active and accessible, it may be possible to recover your electrum portfolio.


If you cannot access your accounting, use the officers. This is for the Gide through a serials regains control of your wall and your seeds.

– Open electrum on your computer or mobile device.

– When in the “portfolio” tab and click “Recovery”.

-Select the type of CEED you have (that is to say a mnemonic sentence, a private key net, etc.).

– Follow the instructions provided by Electrum to collect your wall and access your account.


If you use the preceding Ethereum for your process of recovery of electrum seeds, follow these Addis steps:

– Open electrum on your computer or mobile device.

– As for the “portfolio” tab and click on “Seed recovery”.

-Select the type of seed you have (that is, a mnemonic sentence).

– Follow the instructions provided by Electrum to collect your wall and access your Ethereum account.


Once you have recovered your electronic wall, make sure it is checked on another compatible blockchain platform (such as electrum or metamasque) is playing your seed. This will assure you that you will be sensitive to transferred.

Precuarions and considerations

Before the acquisition to recover your bitcoin from the opposite electrum seed:

Save a backup : Before losing access to your wall, make sure you have saved your electrum wall recovery code or other important data in a secure location.

Check the user identities : If somene claims to be the previous people of your account, these are genes that continue in the process.


Recovery of an electrum portfolio from a seed seems to be the reader, the steps of the businesses, you are reacting to your Bitcoin funds. Do not forget to follow the appropriate precautions and considerations, why finding to recover your assessment. I am not to contact the theme, you cannot contact the holder or the best professional assistance.

Additional tip

  • Keep your electrum seed to sow seed seeds:

  • Save your data regularly: Make your recoding sauce by electrum wall and go important data in a secure location.

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