Ethereum: How to calculate Hashes per Second

Ethereum: The power of hash: a guide to calculate the hashs per second

In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, the HASH function plays a crucial role in the verification of transactions and the maintenance of network integrity. One of the most used cutting functions in Ethereum is the Hash Keccak-256 Hash algorithm, which is currently used for transactions verification and operational work test (POW).

Understand the hash function

A HASH function is an algorithm that takes entry data of any size and produces a fixed size output, called HASH. The key features of a good hash function are:

* deterministic : always produces the same output given the same input.

* After : It cannot be reversed to obtain the original entry without additional information or calculation resources.

* Fixed size

Ethereum: How to calculate Hashes per Second

: The size of the output is determined by the problem solved and the characteristics of the hash function.

HASHS calculation per second (HPS)

To calculate the HP, you must know the following:

  • Number of HASH functions : There are several hash functions available for Ethereum, including Keccak-256, Rimemd-160 and others.

  • Network load : The number of nodes on the network and its Power hash can have an impact on HP.

  • Quality Hash function : A good hash function should be resistant to attacks such as collisions and attacks prior to the image.

HASHS calculation per second with the difficulty of the Ethereum block

The difficulty of the block is a critical parameter that determines the speed at which new blocks are extracted, including the creation of atmosphere for each transaction. To calculate the HP, we must know the difficulty of the block, the number of transactions in a block and the total hash output.

Here is an example of calculation:

* Number of block transactions : 4 (assuming a small network with 10 knots)

* Block difficulty : 1,000,000,000 (the current difficulty of the Ethereum block)

* Happiness output by transaction : approximately 128 bytes

Use of the following formula to calculate HP:

HPS = (block transactions \ * hash output by transaction) / block difficulty

Let’s make the calculation:

HPS ≈ (4 transactions / block \ * 128 bytes / transaction) / 1,000,000,000

= 0.32 hps / block

HP estimate in a real world scenario

To give you an idea of ​​how it looks in practice, consider a scenario in which we have 10 knots in the network and each node has 100 million pieces in mine.

Assuming a block difficulty of one billion, with a production of haras per transaction of approximately 128 bytes:

* Block size : Approximately 4 gigabytes

Number of transactions in a block : 400,000 (10 knots \
40 million parts)

* HASH output per block : 512 mega -Tenses

Using the same formula:

HPS ≈ (400,000 transactions / block \ * 128 bytes / transaction) / 1 billion

= approximately 0.32 hps / block / block

This means that each node in a large-scale Ethereum network could operate approximately 3-4 hashs per second.


The HP calculation is essential to understand the performance and scalability of the Ethereum work operating system (POW). Although this calculation provides a theoretical estimate, it does not take into account several factors, such as the quality of the hash function, the block size and the network load.

While Ethereum’s ecosystem continues to grow and mature, we can expect greater interest in optimizing Pow systems and improving general performance. By understanding how to calculate HP, developers and minors can better optimize their equipment and networks to achieve maximum efficiency.

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