Metamask: ReferenceError: web3 is not defined

I see what’s happening is. This is a classic example of an “Uncawght ReferenceError: web3 is not defined” error.

Here’s the correced code:




Let me explain what's going on:

  • windowrefers to the global object in a web page.

  • web3is an obed that provides accesses to the Ethereum blockchain. It's not explicitly imported into the script, it is, called "undefined".

  • The conditiontypeof.web3 === ‘undefined” If not, it’s a new error without a message indication that web3 is not defined.

In this correced version:

  • Inside the ifstement, we check if typeof window.web3 ==== 'undefined'. If it's True, a new error is a decreptive message.

  • Instaed of triing to callweb3.min.js`, we directly the error.

This code it is prevent the “Uncaugt ReferenceError: web3 is not defined” error from occurring in the firt place.

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